The Kota Belud Umno chief says members of the Old Guard do not understand the need to introduce reforms.

Salleh compared the reality of Malaysia in 1980s to today, saying that the advent of new media had made the people more informed.
“Furthermore, Malaysia’s population and number of voters have more than doubled since Mahathir took the office,” he said.
“To win the hearts and minds of the people, you need to introduce reforms and not get tougher with them.
“And this is what many of the Old Guard do not appear to understand.”
Salleh was referring to those who “are aligned to or had at one time served under” ex-prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.
“If Umno and Barisan Nasional do fall,” Salleh said, “it will be because of internal bickering and sabotage.
“Umno warlords justify the attack on Najib by saying that it is to advise and not meant as a move to oust Najib.
“More vocal critics say it was a mistake for Dr Mahathir to appoint Najib, hence the ex-prime minister has to correct his mistake.”
Commenting on the recent crackdown on opposition politicians with sedition charges, he said: “The government will have to tread very carefully lest this move triggers negative repercussions. Umno-Barisan Nasional is not going to be a very popular government once the trials begins.”
“If the court kicks out these cases because the prosecution fails to prove intent, the government is going to be very embarrassed. And if instead these people are sent to jail, the government is going to face a lot of criticism.
“This is where, both ways, the government loses.”
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